Fiber To The Home | MitsolFibre to the Home (FTTH) brings a major shift in the way South Africans choose bandwidth providers to access the internet in our homes.  Up till now, the current copper-based access technologies were not only limited in capacity, but a key element was missing – CHOICE was never an option. Now, FTTH offers us many options regarding speed, quantity and service provider for accessing the internet.
FTTH typically consists of three partners – layer one puts the physical fibre into the ground, layer two (MITSOL) lights up the fibre, while layer three partners (the Internet Service Providers) liaise directly with the public and provide customised packages to suit the demands of consumers
MITSOL’s Open Access FTTH network adds real value to our customers in terms of available bandwidth. And, importantly, it breaks the current monopoly of SA’s major telecom operators, thereby offering consumers CHOICES for the first time.
CHOICE – a novelty that MITSOL’s FTTH network brings to the SA broadband market, with a focus on two key factors for our customers:
1) Price, and
2) Service delivery from the competing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) on our FTTH network.
Each ISP that uses MITSOL’s open access model has access to identical functions and services at the same price, to ensure a fair and open market that ultimately benefits consumers.
We at MITSOL are proud to have embarked on the FTTH journey, and believe that consumers should demand nothing less than Open Access Networks to ensure that we don’t just deliver high speed bandwidth, but rather a great value, highly functional, adaptable digital solution within the broadband revolution.
Our goal is to be the catalyst to creating an Open Access Network space that drives

  • Increased freedom of choice for our end-users.
  • Service innovation from our ISPs.
  • Maximum market efficiency on our fibre networks